I had my final exams on Tuesday, the 15th November.
Which is why I've been kinda silent for a while.
Lotsa studying for the lead-up...
I only had two exams - one for politics (which honestly was a bit of a joke - glad I didn't waste any time studying for it -ahem-) and one for property law and trusts.
Because my first exam (politics) was at 9am, I had to wake up super early to get to uni on time.
Who even knew there was a 5.00 AM!?
I bought coffee from the only place open.
It was horrible.
The worst coffee I have actually ever drunk.
And now exams are over.
But apparently I was more stressed and anxious than I originally though.
After I finished on Tuesday, I went to J's place - after not seeing him for days it was definitely a welcome break.
However, half way through the night I found myself really short of breath, and on the brink of an asthma attack. Poor J, rushed around getting me water and trying to find my Ventolin (which was in my exam pencil case!). Such a trooper.
Anyway, I calmed down and thought all was fine.
But then the next day at work, I found myself still short of breath, and it seemed to get worse as the day went on.
Until basically, it all built up and I ended up having another asthma attack at work...
and got taken to hospital by ambulance.
Lots of fun.
My first day of freedom was spent in hospital. They were really busy and needed the beds so I was let out once they stabilised me, and spent the next two nights at mum's, bed-bound to the couch for lack of any energy.
She finally let me go home today, which was cool. But not before going to the Doctor, who said that half my problem was anxiety. Apparently stress is a huge trigger for asthmatic symptoms.
Even though now I'm apparently getting enough O2 into my blood, my brain still hasn't calmed down which is making me think I'm not getting enough air in, which makes me panic and breathe shallowly and this in turn, causes the muscles to tighten which brings on my asthma!
Fun, hey.
And that, dear children, is why you should not sign up for law school if you are already highly strung.
I am looking forward to another few days of rest, and hopefully will be able to relax and enjoy my holidays now that they have finally arrived!