Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My Week in Pictures #55


The week started out well! I picked up this beautiful colouring book, full of black and white patterns. I like doing things when I'm watching mindless tv to unwind. Last winter it was attempting to knit, apparently this winter it's about colouring in. I also took some time out during the week to hand-write a letter to my pen pal. I've really been enjoying getting to meet a completely new person through writing! 

It was my birthday last week, and I had such a great couple of days. J went to so much effort to make sure I had an awesome day, and it was so much fun to just take a day off and hang out.


We started off at Pancakes on the Rocks at Darling Harbour. So, so nommy, and massive serving sizes. Neither J or I finished our meals, but man we tried hard. 


 I then took the opportunity to kick his butt at bowling. We walked to Broadway, both got remedial massages and I picked up my free birthday boost!



We ended our adventure at Din Tai Fung in World Square. I seriously love, love, love this place!



I've been spending a lot of my (scarce) free time playing Simcity. I never played the original games, and I can totally understand why it's such a successful game. It's so addicting. Even J has been getting involved and staying up until all hours of the morning looking after his city! 


On Friday night  I celebrated my birthday with my dad, brother, sister and her boyfriend, and J. We went to teppenyaki in Beverly Hills. I've been here so many times before, and the novelty of watching your food being cooked and then having it thrown at you never gets old. The food is actually really delicious, and the chefs are great entertainment. 

I'm sorry my blog posts have been so scarce the past couple of weeks. Uni work for my PLT has just ramped up, I'm working crazy hours and I've just gone back to uni for Spring session. Still trying to work out my schedule, and when I have free time to blog. I just want to let you guys know though that I have so many exciting posts planned, and so many exciting products to share with you all!
Thank you also to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! xx

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