I really love technology. I love gadgets and electronics. I hate the cord pile-up that comes with that territory though, and it used to a major frustration for me that they were never organised. Until now, this is what my 'cord box' looked like:
Everything was loosely wound and thrown in. Every time I wanted to find something I had to dig and pull out a million cords to work out which one it was that I needed. Which is time-wasting and frankly, annoying. Not too long ago though, I took a trip to Daiso, and I picked up these cord organisers for $2.80 each:
Firstly, I separated each and every cord and did an inventory of what I owned. I had about 4 'figure 8 cords', and about 6 micro USBs, which is way overkill. So I kept a long one and a short one of each, and then stored the rest elsewhere. This new cord box was all about easy access to the cords I use most.
I got out my trusty label maker, and labelled every cord. I chose to use the yellow plastic labels so that they would stick out amongst the sea of black.
I then evaluated how often I use each cord, and then tied them accordingly.
For instance, the cords for electronics I frequently use, such as my ipod and DSLR got secured together with velcro strips. The pack of velcro I bought was perfect because it was three long rolls in three different colours. I loosely rolled up each cord, and then cut a bit of velcro to the appropriate size. Using velcro also means that I can also secure it around the cord when it's in use, so I won't lose it.
For cords that I don't use that frequently, and don't need their full length, I used cable ties:
These are a more permanent fastener, so I made sure there was enough slack that I could still use it if it was plugged in, but not too much that it tangle.
For me it's enough that I have the lesser used cords to the right, and the more frequently used ones to the left. They're all sufficiently bundled that they won't get tangled and the labels help me to identify at a glance which cord is for what purpose. This way, I can just grab and go.
How do you organise your technology cords?
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