I started off my week with a pole workshop with Evgeny Greshilov - an amazing Russian pole dancer with incredible strength. The workshop was heaps of fun and I learnt lots of new tricks to work on.
Rommy's been such a little cutie, with his newest toy...a large cardboard box. He's even taken to sleeping it, which is adorable.
Enjoying the last of my holiday break with a Shandy and some Assassin's Creed.
Uni goes back this week, so I'm trying to get a head start with my readings. A little Boston Legal playing in the background makes me less depressed that holidays are well and truly over.
One of the girls from work got an amazing job in the career she wants to go into, so sadly for us will no longer be working with us. We headed out to Darling Harbour for farewell drinks. A big jug of sangria is always a good way to celebrate. Darling Harbour was all done up for Mardi Gras. Did anyone attend the parade this year? Sadly I missed it!
I did however catch up with Adeline from Through Beauty Eyes at the pre-mardi gras catwalk show at the Australasian College Broadway, which was a lot of fun!
And probably, the biggest news of the week; I've been interning at a law firm since January as part of my degree, and on Monday I was offered a paid position! Which is just so incredible! I get to finish off my internship being paid, and then I get to stay on afterwards, continuing to get experience in an actual firm setting. I've loved working there so far, the people I work with are all so lovely and helpful, and I'm so happy I get to keep working there.
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