I still can't believe how fast 2015 flew by. Nuts.
I love the idea of fresh starts and having goals to work towards, and I love spending the start of each year reflecting on the year just gone, and the new one about to begin.
Let's look back at last year's Resolutions...
2015 GOALS
- Read 30 books.
Failed pretty hard at this one.
- Get my splits
Still nope.
Definitely. I'm learning so much every day at work, and generally about myself.
Definitely the biggest goal - I cannot believe that not only did I achieve this in my first year as a graduate, but that I did it so soon after graduating. I've now been a lawyer for almost a year, and learned so much in that time (one such lesson being that actually being a lawyer is nothing like law school).
2016 GOALS
- Read 30 books
I'm going to actually hold myself accountable to this goal this year. 30 books in a year is only 2.5 books a month, which is totally do-able if I actually finish the books I start. I have about four books on the go at the moment, so I should get a good head-start to this one.
- Get the Splits
Another year, another flexy goal. I really believe I can achieve this if I actually kick myself in the butt and train stretching regularly. Flexibility is really difficult for me (compared to strength training), so I need to get over that "too hard" mentality and just train. This is the year where the excuses end.
- Journal regularly
I love journalling, and want to get back into doing it regularly. I don't think I can commit to every single night, but I definitely want to be doing it more than I currently do (which is whenever I remember).
- Get better at saving
It's not that I'm bad at saving, it's just that I'm better at spending. Although we have some big expenses coming up this year, I want to make a conscious effort to put some money aside each pay, just to be more of a responsible adult.
- Finish three books
- Clean out the linen under the bed.
- Clear off my bedside table
- Stretch 5 days a week
- Pay off my credit card bill by the end of the month.
- Go trapeze-ing!
- Clear the hallway
I'm so excited to get started with this year, and am read to dive head-first into it. I have quite a lot of time off work these holidays, so want to get a good mix of productivity and relaxation in.
Are you setting New Years Resolutions?

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