As I'm writing this, I'm sipping on an orange/carrot/ginger/mint smoothie, and just thoroughly enjoying the 33C weather we're having this weekend.
Sad that West Coast lost the AFL, as I had a bet (for the first time ever, only $10 but still...) on who would win all three big games this weekend.
So let's review September's goals, before we set some new ones for October...
- Train handstands 5x a week
- Organise the basket of stuff in the bathroom
- Find a storage solution for my sock drawer
- Go to the gym once a week
So I'm pretty impressed with how many things I managed to cross off my list! I couldn't justify spending money to organise the bathroom or my sock drawer, with our New Zealand trip approaching, so that will have to wait until we get back, maybe November.
I didn't manage to get to the gym every week - mostly because there were a couple of weeks where I was at the pole studio 6-7 times a week, so I haven't been slacking off, I've just been busy.
- Order my sister's 21st birthday present
- Eat more salads / vegetables
- Start planning Christmas present ideas
- Get back into cooking
- Enjoy New Zealand!
- Try to keep up with stretching while overseas
A relatively short list this month, given we will be spending two weeks overseas.

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