As always, let's start with a review of last month's goals:
Yes! I crossed this one off early in the month, and kick-started my reading for February. I think if I keep this up I will be able to do more regular book reviews.
I spent a whole day clearing out all the linen in our house, throwing away anything was well-worn and had holes, washing everything else, folding it and putting it back into under-bed storage boxes that are clearly labelled. This should make life so much easier when people come and stay - I'll know exactly where to find everything!
- Clear off my bedside table
I didn't quite get around to this, so I'm moving it to next month.
I have started off the year strong with stretching, and hope to continue this.
- Pay off my credit card bill by the end of the month.
Not quite, but I have paid off quite a bit and have a strict budget for paying it off ASAP.
- Go trapeze-ing!
I am hoping to get around to this in March, as February is looking really busy.
Yes! There were space bags filled with random crap and boxes littering our hallway from when we first moved in (6 months ago). I had a quick clear out of it, and now our hallway is unimpeded.
- Finish 3 books
- Perform at my pole studio's Open Night showcase
- Clear off our bedside table
- Edit our NZ photos
- Stretch 5x a week
- Get back into a regular blogging upload schedule
- Print photos for my work photo frame
- Sort already printed photos into photo box.
Has the start of the year kick-started your goal-setting?

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