Here's some snapshots of what I've been up to:
Drinking lots of coffee...
...and lots of tea.
Chasing away spideys.
This huntsman was only little. Later that night, my sister and I found one that was sooooo much bigger chilling out on the door frame that leads into my kitchen.
I was too scared to approach him and ask for a photo

I'm not much of a summer person, so I'm kinda enoying all the cosy nights inside, listening to the rain pounding on my roof.
I've also enjoyed breaky with J at the Post Cafe:

Crazy 'fruit basket'.
I love me some fresh fruit. Drizzled in honey ... even better!!
J had the 'post brekkie'.

But what I've enjoyed even more than stuffing myself with food is being able to use my lappy just for reading blogs, curling up with a good book and doing some logic puzzles.
I have started doing some research for our trip next year! YAY!
And finally have gotten around to starting this book.
Only a million years after all the hype.
Although at the moment I'm also reading:
- Dracula - Bram Stoker
- The Bronze Horseman - Paulina Simmons
- Live Wire - Harlan Coben
- Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Animal Farm - George Orwell
- Johnny Got His Gun - Dalton Trumbo
I know right, crazy!
This is why it takes me so goddamn long to finish any books. I just keep starting new ones!