LOVE this TV show.
So dark and addictive (haha). I take any chance I get to watch an episode. Since they're almost an hour long each, I clearly have been not using my time that well lately, and wasting it.
But this show is great. I am up to season 3 yay.

Walks through Hyde Park for work.
Getting to deliver documents / file court proceedings all around the city does have its perks...


New Vogue being shoved in my slot-in-my-door that acts as a mailbox.

Decent Aussie drama.
Am enjoying this series so far.
Most likely will comment further on this when the series has finished.

Gingerbread biscuits with coffee.
Feeling studious.
Which hasn't occurred much lately because of how lazy my attitude towards uni and upcoming exams has been. This was the state of my living room during a killer take-home exam I had due on Tuesday.
But with it's completion is another subject done.
Two more exams to go and I am finished (yay!!)
What has made you smile this week?