J and I did something a little different the other week and had a trip out to Taronga Zoo! I haven't been there since I was a child, so it was great to be able to spend some time together doing someyhing fun. I got to practice taking animal portraits too, which I love. My Dad came along with us as well which was really nice. The same day I smashed my brand new, 3-day old phone when it fell out of my camera bag onto the floor. The screen was so obliterated that the touch screen wouldn't work, so it ended up costing $340 to fix, which fucking sucks.

I'm simply loving all the free time I have had since exams finished (although I've worked every day since, so still keeping plenty busy). Catching up with magazines and reading for leisure will always be amongst my favourite past-times. I've been reading Donna Tartt's 'Goldfinch', and am about halfway though. This book is quickly shaping up to be one of my favourites (big call!!).

Does anyone else get as excited as me when Starbucks' festive drinks arrive in store? The peppermint mocha frapp is my favourite - it's also ridiculously overpriced so that definitely stems my consumption.
J and I headed out to breakfast at Brooklyn Hide in Surry Hills - very much recommend their bagels and cold pressed apple juice.

And for those who don't follow me on Twitter or Instagram, I had a bit of a poling accident last week and broke my wrist :( My pole studio was having an Open Night on Friday the 5th, and I had been working so hard on my routine for it. On Thursday night I stayed back in the studio after my stretch class to run through my routine and get some feedback. Which was stupid, because it was way too hot and humid that night, and my hands were far too sweaty.
There's one part of my routine where, with full energy, I run from one pole to the other and do this spin (on a static pole). Except instead of grabbing on to the pole, my hand was so sweaty that I slipped straight off and broke my fall with my right arm flexed behind me. Fucking ouch.
Jen, my dance teacher, drove me to St Vincent's hospital where it was confirmed (after 5 hours of waiting and listening to the girl behind me who had a throat infection complain incessantly that they were taking too long) that I had snapped my radius.
I currently have a plaster cast on, which is horribly heavy, but I get a proper fibreglass one first thing tomorrow morning yay! Thanks to a mix of my body mending a broken bone and the narcotics I'm on for the pain, I've spent most of the weekend asleep. I'm constantly frustrated at the little things I can't do, and more frustrated at how long it takes to do everything left handed (including typing). Patience is a virtue, and apparently one I don't have. J has had to learn the difference between a tight, high ponytail and a loose, low ponytail. He sucks at it, and pulled half my hair out the first time, but he's learning, which I appreciate.

On Saturday I met Kristina Karlsson, founder of Kikki-K (and I guess technically, my boss? Haha) She was lovely, as always!

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