I am still in denial that it's already May... We're more than a quarter of the way through 2015!!
I spent most of April sitting in front of Netflix, and not much time was focussed on goal-achieving. I'll have to strike more of a balance for that this month...
I have not set a strict budget, per se, but I have been a lot better with accounting for where my money is going, and accounting for upcoming expenses. My last two pay slips have had their dollars allocated, and I feel a lot calmer when I know how that next bill is going to be paid.
- Sell clothes from wardrobe clean-out
- Do 5 pull-ups
This fell a little to the way-side, and I practically stopped training pull-ups, in favour for handstands. I need to get more consistent with this during May.
- Stretch 5x a week
I totally failed my splits challenge. I had one week off, and then lost all motivation to continue. I'm going to make a more conscious effort with my fitness, including stretching, during May.
Now that this has been paid off, I'm so looking forward to it!
- Revise my Chinese to send a letter to my penpal in Chinese
I now have all my certificates framed! I'm so excited to move into my new office at work and have them adorn the walls.
- Sell clothes from wardrobe clean-out
- Set a meal plan
- Return to regular stretching
- Revise my Chinese to send a letter to my penpal in Chinese
- Submit my audition tape for Pole Evolution 2015
- Keep track of all spending transactions
- Save up to buy dress for weddings I'm attending in June

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