I'm slowly getting used to being back in the real world. We were only in New Zealand two weeks, but we packed so much in it felt like a lot longer.
I ended up having to deviate from my original gift idea, due to the people having no stock, but I hope she will like this present just as much. Hopefully she also won't mind that it's almost a month late.
- Eat more salads / vegetables
I'm not sure whether to cross this one off - we didn't eat that many veggies while away, but we ate lots when we got back.
- Start planning Christmas present ideas
Not yet. Maybe this week.
My friend gave me a recipe book for my birthday, filled with gluten-free recipes. I've gone back to cooking one dinner a week, and started preparing meals to bring to work for lunch too. I'm finding cooking really satisfying, but I hate the mess it leaves.
As if that was ever going to be a challenge.
- Try to keep up with stretching while overseas
This however was a real challenge. There was a little stretching, but nowhere near as much as there should have been.
- Have Christmas shopping finished by the end of the Month (or, in the very least, a gift list sorted)
- Practice handstands 5x a week.
- Stretch 5x a week
- finish editing NZ photos
- Print photos for my desk at work
- Attend two parkour classes each week

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