So I haven't been blogging as frequently as I'd like to lately, and I've decided that from now on I'll be doing regular "Friday Favourites".
These are my favourite things of the week! I've decided not to limit myself too much, and rather than have set categories, allow them to change around each week depending on what I'm loving.
Here's today's favourites:
The cold weather brings on a multitude of moisture problems for me. So this week, it's a tie.
Palmer's Shea Butter Formula for Extra Dry Skin - this one's really thick and a perfect size for my handbag.
Also loving Maybelline's Baby Lips! How it took me so long to get on board with this product I'll never know, but it is seriously one of the best lip balms I've ever used.

All week I have been rocking out to INXS.
Loving 'Mystify' at the moment. It has such kick to it. And who doesn't love some good Aussie rock?
Loving 'Mystify' at the moment. It has such kick to it. And who doesn't love some good Aussie rock?

Check out this amazing water bottle.
There is nothing I begrudge more in this world than paying for water when it comes out of the tap free. So for the past 2 years I have been on a hunt to find the perfect re-usable water bottle. I have 2 different sized aluminium water bottles, but they're heavy even without water in them. And if you leave water in there all day it develops a metallic taste, which I can't stand.
I love plastic bottles because they don't make your water taste funny, and they're light. But they can be so bulky. And I already carry so much crap around.
Then Beth came to uni with a bottle like this and I fell in love.
Found them today in the city for $2.50! BARGAIN.
They roll up when you're done as well, so take up practically ZERO space in your bag.
Guys, we have a winner!
Loving this at the moment! If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it.
I'm maybe 2/3 of the way through the first season, but I'm really enjoying it so far.
Have you seen it yet? Have you read the book? Let me know what you think!
Have devoured this book this week. I'm so close to the end I can taste it!
Have you read it / seen the movie adaption?

Have devoured this book this week. I'm so close to the end I can taste it!
Have you read it / seen the movie adaption?