I got this pack of House of Holland stick on nails in the May Her Fashion Box and thought I'd give them a go.
Stick on nails can be great for parties and events, as they're quick and (usually) easy to apply, and you can't really mess them up. This pack comes with 24 nails in 10 different nail sizes, a nail glue, a file and some instructions. This particular design was matte black, with some of the nails having coloured dots.

The sizes they come in are good, and fit my tiny fingernails well. I spent a few minutes working out which nails were going on which fingers, and the design I was after. Then it was just a matter of applying the glue to my own nail, and pressing the stick on nail on top for 4 seconds until it adhered.

The first hand was ridiculously easy, but it was a lot more difficult putting the second hand on once the nails were already on. Picking up the little bits of plastic with these claws became pretty tricky.
I love the way they turned out; the glue appeared quite strong so the nails felt really secure. I think this particular set was way too long for my comfort though. I literally could not work out how to use my hands with nails this long. As soon as I realised how difficult it was to make my lunch, I had to take them off.

Giant Claws.
To take them off, I just soaked a cotton ball in acetone based nail polish remover and wrapped it around the fingernail, then covered with alfoil. This worked to basically melt the nail, making the glue underneath susceptible to the remover. The whole thing peeled away (so gross...I did not take pictures)

TL;DR? Overall, on first impressions I was really impressed with the apparent strength of the nail glue, and how cool the nails turned out to be. I was not a fan of how long they were, though.
I would recommend these for a night out, or a certain event, but maybe not for everyday wear.