The past 2-3 weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind. So much has happened, and so quickly that I have barely had time to update the people in my life, let alone this blog.
The biggest update is that I got a new job! Again, this happened quite quickly - I found out about the position and applied for it on Wednesday 21 January, had an interview on the Friday 23 January, and by Tuesday 27 January found out that I had it. I then started for two days of training on that Thursday and Friday - 29 and 30 January, starting officially the following week.

The position is amazing - I love who I am working with, and I am loving what I am doing. The only downside is that it's part-time (jobshare) ... only because it would be a dream to do this full-time.
I had a beautiful friend come over and give me a massive bunch of lillies to say 'congrats', and J and I headed out with another friend to the Ritz at Marrickville to play some comedy trivia and celebrate with a glass of wine.

Because this job is only part-time, and due to a massive tax issue I just discovered, I am currently working three jobs. It feels weird to not be getting ready to head back to uni next month - this is the first time in my life I am not studying. But I love working hard, and am just so happy with where I am right now.

Last Friday night we had a family night out at Canterbury Race Track for the Night Races event. J and I must be getting better at being punters ... we were up a whole 60 cents when the night ended. My favourite part of the races is watching the horses do their little show-off walk right before they race. They're such beautiful animals.

J bought us a massive Whitman's Sampler box of chocolates. We're both pretty "against" Valentine's Day (although I try to take the day as an opportunity to tell my friends how great they are!), so J kept stressing that this was not a V-day gift, it was just coincidence. I don't care either way - I get to eat lots of chocolate.

I tried my first eggs fresh from a chicken this week - they were incredible. I'd heard before about how much better they tasted and was mildly skeptical...I am definitely now a convert.

My cooking adventures are coming along nicely... I was craving some veggies this week so made a delicious chilli ginger chicken stir-fry with brown rice. I have also perfected this ravioli recipe - It is so delicious that I dream about it, so keep an eye out because I will share it later during the week!

In fitness news...my wrist is still incredibly painful and I am still lacking a great range of motion. I have been visiting my physio, who thinks I should be able to get back on the pole within a few weeks. This is such exciting news, but is slightly dampened by the fact that I'm still feeling pain in my wrist. The pain is quite similar to the pain I had when I first broke it, which sets off alarm bells in my head. I've booked an appointment to re-visit the specialist at the hospital later this month. So keep your fingers crossed for me that the bone is healed!
In the mean-time I'm really focussing on stretching and flexibility. This is the year I will get my splits - back bends are a little trickier to work on when you can't go in to a bridge so I guess for now I'll just keep training the scorpion!

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