My dear readers, I am hesitant to put up this post because I have pretty much failed at my May goals. But I'll post it anyway, because part of my NY Resolution and keeping track of this all in such a public space holds me accountable. I feel rubbish about this post, so I will have to try harder during June.
Let's review May's goals...
- Sell clothes from wardrobe clean-out
I am starting to think I will never achieve this. So I have decided to break this one down.
I didn't quite achieve this, but for the past two weeks I have been planning out all my lunches for work.
- Return to regular stretching
Absolute fail in the flexibility department, and my hips really feel it (especially since starting full-time work).
- Revise my Chinese to send a letter to my penpal in Chinese
- Submit my audition tape for Pole Evolution 2015
We got a further two weeks to submit our auditions. I have been working super hard on my routine, and will cross this one off next week!
- Save up to buy dress for weddings I'm attending in June
I bought two new skirts for work instead. Whoops.
- Take photos of clothes from wardrobe clean-out
- Stretch 5x a week.
- Revise my Chinese to send a letter to my pen-pal in Chinese
- Submit my audition tape for Pole Evolution 2015
-Buy a dress (and nude heels) for the two weddings I'm attending in June.
- Train pull-ups five times a week.
- Keep better track of my goals throughout the month; check in at least once a week.
- Keep to my blogging schedule!

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