Perhaps the biggest event since the last time I wrote, is the hen's night of my good friend Whitney.
Like I mentioned in my last one of these posts, everyone around me is getting married, so I will have a couple more of these types of events in the next few weeks.
The night started at the Victoria Room at Darlinghurst, for High Tea. I had turkish apple, (delicious), and way too many miniature sandwiches and cakes. My attitude is they don't count if they're mini, so you can have, like, five times as many.

We then adjourned back to the hotel room for homemade cocktails and homemade hens games. Highlights were Cards Against Humanity (always a winner), and Bra Pong. I was particularly talented at the latter.

I didn't drink much at all, because I had a workshop the following day with pole superstar Evgeny Greshilov. Handstands and dynamic spins are just not achievable with a hangover.

Has anyone else tried Cadbury's Vegemite creation? I had one row and was left underwhelmed. It wasn't as revolting as some made it out to be, yet it wasn't delicious either. I didn't hate it, but I don't think I'll finish off my block. Luckily for the curious, it was only $2.50 at my local supermarket, so not a huge loss.
I have also loved this month's Elle magazine - featuring Nicole Trunfio on the cover, breastfeeding her baby boy Zion (such a cutie!) I love the cover, I loved the editorial shots, I loved the articles. On a whim I bought a subscription to this magazine a few month's ago and I have not regretted it at all. Every month I am happy.

We also bought a bed last weekend which is making me super happy. It's crazy how much better you sleep when you're elevated off the floor.
Bed shopping was not as stressful as I thought it would be; we had specific features in mind (low enough off the floor so we could use it as storage, wooden, double size) which made it a bit easier. In the end we went with this wooden one from The Sleeping Giant. It was also on sale, so that was a win!

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