So it's Thursday, and these posts usually go up on a Monday. I'm usually a lot more organised than this. But as you'll see from the mountain of photos I have, I've been quite busy this past fortnight.

My good friend, C had her hen's night over the June long weekend. We started out with high tea at the Sir Stamford, then went back to the Quay West hotel where we had a room with this incredible view...

We got to see the start of Vivid from our hotel room before we went out again - I only saw about half an hour of the opera house, but honestly it was a bit overwhelming compared to previous years.
We then headed out to Subterranean Bar and Grill for dinner; their food was really, really good, and finished up the night with a male cabaret show at GPO Grand, before heading back to the hotel for Cards Against Humanity. The night was overall a lot of fun, and I think Mel, the Maid of Honour did a really good job organising everything!

The next morning we headed to the Rocks for breakfast, at Le Pain Quotidien. This little cafe is in the old Rocks Police Station. I always appreciate a little historical architecture with my morning coffee. They serve giant bowls of coffee here, and their scrambled eggs are good. You have to pay extra for avocado and bacon though, so that's a slight annoyance.
I then rushed from breakfast to the pole studio, where I took a two hour workshop with Anthony Khoury, former Olympic coach. I have so many drills to practice at home now. We finished up the class with some human pyramid-ing.

Sunday night was games night, with a classic pork roast dinner, lots of crackling and Settlers of Catan! It's been a few months since we'e played Catan, as trivia nights have become our regular social gathering. Proud to say I won the game. People underestimate the power of sheep, and a trading harbour in that game.

I had some allergy testing done at RPAH the other week - my hayfever has been wreaking havoc with me since the cooler change in Weather. While speaking to the doctor there, he suggested I see the dietician to work out what food intolerances I have that could be contributing to my asthma, eczema and IBS, and I was put on the Elimination Diet. This is a four week diet, where I can have no gluten, dairy, soy, salicylates, glutamates, amines, preservatives, colouring or basically flavour in any of my food. My body is still adjusting in terms of symptoms, and it's taken me a bit of getting used to in terms of food preparation, but I'm surprised how quickly my tastebuds adjusted.

Last week I was lucky enough to have a three-day work week; J and I took Friday off work to see my friend Whit get married!
We missed our train, and the next one would have gotten us there well after the ceremony finished, so we had to catch a taxi to the venue - $111.11 later, we arrived just in time to see Whit walk down the aisle! I then noticed, as I stepped out of the Taxi that I was wearing the same dress as the bridesmaids! We're all pretty good friends, so it was more funny, rather than drama.

Bride looking like royalty

My bestie Meg, also the Maid of Honour.
What have you been up to in the past fortnight? I have so much blogging to catch up on - both my own, and reading others! If you have any good posts you want to share, post them in the comments so I can check them out!

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