Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tired and Cranky

I have not blogged properly for quite some time now, and I think tonight I stumbled across the reason why that is - I have had no motivation to.
And the more I worried about the fact that I wasn't getting this creative release, the less motivation that I had.

Uni studies at the moment have been weighing very heavily on my shoulders. And although I love the challenge, and I (secretly) love the stress, I'm not a fan of it when my room is an absolute mess, and I don't even have time to do little things for myself - like properly paint my nails or put on a decent amount of moisturiser.
And not having time to yourself just makes you more stressed.

So tonight, even though I know I have a million things to do, I have decided to ignore the feeling of guilt - spend a quick hour tidying up my room and getting some much needed washing done, and just chilling for a bit.
Which is nice on a cold night like tonight.

And, lo and behold, now that my living space is a lot less cluttered, so is my mind.
I promise pretty blog posts over the next few days.
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