We caught the bus down on Christmas Eve, at an early 8pm. Unfortunately, leaving at such an early time caused so many problems it was starting to feel like I was in a comedy of errors.
The night before, I looked up the bus / train times on 131500.com.au. I was advised to catch the bus at 6.20am, to get the 6.50am train. I was meeting J at 7.30 at Hungry Jacks so we could get breaky and coffee before our long adventure.
But the bus I was advised to catch didn't even start running for another 2 hours. So I started freaking out and called a taxi to take me to the train station. I would have walked, had there been enough time. But there wasn't. So I waited. And after about 15 minutes I called back the taxi company and changed my destination to Central.
When I finally got there, I was $53 poorer, (which I feel is a ridiculous amount of money given that time of the morning) and glad to be alive because my taxi driver was TEXTING while driving. Honestly. I should complain to the company.
Anyway, so I'm waiting at Hungry Jacks for J, who is also running late because of busses not coming at their specified time. I'm in a bit of a pickle, because I'm not sure if I should order food or not. I decide not to, and patiently wait. The lady sitting at the table next to me asks me to mind her bags while she gets her coffee. We start chatting when she comes back. She was visiting relatives in Perth with her husband and heading back home to Newcastle on the train. I love meeting new people.
I get a call from J, who is 1 minute away from the bus.
By the time he runs up and gets me, (and I say good-bye to my new friend) and we run back down though, we've missed the opportunity to sit next to each other. Disaster.
So J gets some idiot whose headphones suck and leak sound, and I'm sitting next to a dude who breathes WAY too loud. And that's coming from an asthmatic.
Poor J had been up so late working the night before (like 2am or something ridic). Suffice to say, we weren't in THAT great of a mood.
But we finally got to Canberra, and the fun began!
We didn't really get up to much on Christmas Eve, on account of us both being pretty exhausted. We did however, go check out some Christmas lights ..

All from the one house! Amazing effort.
We woke up on Christmas morning, and ventured out to the living room to join J's parents...

We were all waiting for everyone else to show up for lunch. So we may have opened a present each in anticipation....

I received this gorgeous leather travel wallet from J's parents. It will be absolutely perfect for storing my new passport and our boarding tix etc, for Bali in February!
Everyone showed up shortly after, and we all enjoyed some delicious starters...

And everyone else started opening their presents!
It took us a few hours to get through everyone. Everyone was having a pretty good time enjoying eachother's company.
J and I were pleased that everyone seemed to be happy with the presents we'd chosen them. Which is always a relief! I love buying presents for people, but I love them enjoying them even more!
Here are some of my spoils from the day:

Woah, blurry photo. Crabtree & Evelyn Hand Therapy, from J's sister, T.

J and I both got chocolates and a voucher for gold class cinemas from his brother and his brother's girlfriend. Such a thoughtful gift, because unfortunately we can't get to the movies as much as we'd like to thanks to how expensive they've gotten recently!
And some other little pressies from J's parents...

1. Box of Favourites Chocolates
2. Drink bottle!
3. Washing bags.
4. Shopping bag in a pouch!
So happy about the last two. They were both things I needed but couldn't seem to find anywhere! Again, so thoughtful!
We enjoyed a delicious lunch, with lots of cold meat and a million salads...

Such good food!
And, I didn't get any photos of this, but the Christmas Crackers for the year were musical ones! So everyone got a whistle in their cracker, which had an allocated number.
Then someone was the "conductor" and they had to point to each person when it was their turn to play, following the numbers on a sheet that came with the crackers.
J played as the conductor, and hilarity ensued. It was such a disaster, but so much fun!
I was absolutely spoiled this year for Christmas, which I feel totally undeserving of...

New TV from my Dad. ...

1. And new coffee machine (also from Dad)
2. My first attempt at a cappucino!

1. NATIO body pack from my work KK.
Tangerine and cinammon flavoured - DELICIOUS
2. T2 Iced tea set from my darling sister!
3. LOVE sculpture thing from my bestie, Meg. I think it's absolutely adorable, and I LOVE homewares!
4. Gift card from my boss.
5. (not pictured) Mum got me a gorgeous red leather handbag - which hopefully should fit my lappy!

My sister, brother and mum went to my Nan and Pop's grave, just before Christmas day to decorate it for Christmas. This is my first Christmas without them, and although it's almost a year since my Nan died it doesn't really make it any easier. It hurts, how much I miss them.
I'm so incredibly thankful for all the presents I received over Christmas. I'm so grateful I was able to spend the week with my family, and with J's family, and being surrounded by people I care about and love.
And although Christmas is (and should be) a joyous occasion to be spent with family, I think it's important to reflect on those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
Although it sucks feeling somewhat mournful on Christmas when everyone around you is so gleeful, I understand how blessed I am that this is my biggest problem at the moment.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, spent with their loved ones.