So I've decided to join the blogging bandwagon and post a summary of my year...

I've had a fairly shit year. A lot has been thrown at me over the last 12 months, which has not only really tested my resilience, but also tested how strong I am to not revert back to pessimism.
I struggled quite a bit through Uni, with stress and anxiety. Which is so unusual for me, as academia is usually my strong point.
I've struggled with housemates, and the financial stress that brings.
My Nan and Pop both died at the beginning of the year, and for the first time in my life I found myself playing funeral director.
People I care about got really sick, really hurt, and some of my best friends from Uni were mourning the devastating loss of one of our own.
Not that it's all been awful, all of the time.
It's just that it seems this year more than ever I have been made aware of my own mortality.
Which brings me to 2012.

I'm so keen to start off the New Year. I'm so keen to actually have a good year for once.
I know that certain things will be out of my control, but I'm ready to continue living each day fully appreciative of what I have. Carpe Diem, baby.
I'm so excited for my trip to Bali with my amazing boyfriend.
I'm excited for my sister, who will be finishing her last year of high school. I hope I'll be able to be there and support her through her HSC.
I'm excited to move house (maybe).
I hope to further my experience in my chosen profession.
I hope to get back into volunteer work.
I'm excited to continue learning ... both at uni and in my new hobby, pole dancing.
With that, I hope that I'll be able to treat my body a bit better. I want to increase my strength, and my stamina.
I also hope to save a bit of money next year.

What are your goals and aspirations for next year? I'd love to hear them. It's important that we all STAY MOTIVATED!