I've been trying to get festive this year. Last year I really wanted a xmas tree, but they're so expensive, and I can't really justify that money for one month of the year. Plus, where would I put it when it wasn't December!?
But this year, I got myself a little tree...
See it there? On top of my present pile?
I finished off most of my Christmas shopping last week..
And got myself a little something...
Isn't it absolutely gorgeous!?
And some more little Christmas decorations..
One of my favourite things about Christmas is the reindeer!! They're so cute!
And to be festive, I've coloured my nails appropriately...

Last night, I celebrated an early Christmas with my mum and Rich, my siblings and J.
SOOO much food OMG.
The table was set all beautiful as well:
And here is mum dressed as a reindeer with her moustache that she won in her Christmas Cracker...
Hahahaha. She'll probably kill me for putting that up.
I was able to catch up with my bestie, Meg this morning for breakfast at the Woods, which was awesome. Sorry, no photos! I had granola though, if you're interested. Tonight I'm off to my dad's for dinner, and tomorrow morning I'll be heading to Central super early to catch our bus to Canberra!
So you might not hear from me for a few days.