Today I'm doing something a bit different.
I've asked Mez from Blithely Unaware if I'm able to re-post this from her blog.
This is an issue close to my heart (HAHA) and I think she has summed it up brilliantly.
So read along, learn from her wisdom.
And be swayed my dear readers. Because I fucking hate captchas, and am joining the revolution to fight them:
Here is the post as originally seen on Blithely Unaware:
Hi peeps... I feel it's time to address an issue, the issue of CAPTCHAS!!!! They drive me nuts!!! See that happy blogger tapping away at her keyboard writing a comment... she is HAPPY. She has another 382910382091 blogs to comment on (because she hasn't commented on blogs for an hour)... so she's multitasking, comment, comment, comment, submit, submit, submit... then....
Instead of the comment just going to approval or posting.... homegirl has to now write out a CAPTCHA!!!! SOMETIMES SHE CAN'T EVEN READ THEM!!!! SOMETIMES HER COMMENT DISAPPEARS AND SHE HAS TO START ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!
The truth is though, if you're approving your blogs then you can weed out the SPAM BURGERS and you don't need a pesky CAPTCHA!!! Usually Blogger-homie has the smarts anyway and weeds out the SPAM BURGERS for you!!!
So don't be scared!!!! Get rid of your CAPTCHAS and make commenting eeeeaaassssyyyyy!!! Just go to your security settings and you'll be toot sweet.
Many thanks in advance.