I have decided to show you what is inside my pencil case.
Brace yourselves.
Firstly, my pencil case.
It's from Sportsgirl, and my good friend Meg gave it to me for Christmas.
It fits everything perfectly:
Numerous coloured pens and highlighters
Being a law student, with a lot of reading, this is obviously a necessity
I am a visual learner, so learn points and key ideas better when they're in colour or visually represented. (e.g. mind maps).
I've tried every brand of highlighter there is, and I always revert back to these classics. They last for ages, they have a chisel tip and the colours aren't too bright / dark. Perfect.

Multiple pens and pencils.
This is pretty much necessary for Mandarin. The pen at the top is a calligraphy-ink pen, for writing characters. White-out is obvious, as are the pencil and rubbers.

I pretty much write exclusively in black, if I'm not writing in colour. I almost never use blue. I blame my English HSC teacher on this one - she reckoned that the examiners preferred black because it's easier to read in dim lighting, thus making it more likely I would receive better marks for my work.
I'm going to say that one worked.
Although it looks like an excessive amount of black pen, they all have their place.

And of course, the post it notes / tabs.
This is slightly excessive. What is even worse is that I have 3 whole stationery drawers in my room, each filled with some other type of post-it note. This is an expensive habit, which I'm currently in rehab for.
Love these Typo post-its.
What I dislike about them though is the writing on the "white" portion of the tab. It's great because you can mark a spot in your text, e.g. "IMPORTANT" but then you can't write why it's important because there's stupid "important" written on the white bit. Not to mention that it's printed wrong, so that when it's tabbed in your book it actually ends up upside down. Fail.
Avery tabs. Perfect for noting topics in textbooks for exams.
Slim post-its - perfect for marking anything.
I also love these Kikki-K study notes tabs, and bought them before the typo ones. Unfortunately the glue used for them isn't very strong and they usually fall out of my book. Fail.
Arrows, more tabs, more post-its.
I told you, it's a ridiculous addiction.
What's your pencil case look like?
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