Why only 2/3, I hear you ask?
Well, if you're in Aussie-land, you'd be well aware (maybe?) of the floods and the torrential rain that NSW has been subject to over the past few
If you're an overseas reader let me quickly explain this: my whole life, all I have known, is drought. At one point it was so severe that the government issued people with little sand timers for their showers, so as to save water. The whole country (I think?) were under water-saving regulations. No washing cars, buildings or playing under the hose in Summer. (boo!)
Our Summer's get quite hot. Last year, we had a record heat wave - 6 consecutive days above 35 degrees Celsius. One day the temps reached as high as 42 degrees Celsius, and nights were as hot as 26 degrees Celsius.
This Summer, in comparison has been quite shitty. There's been lots of rain, and lots of low temps.
Anyway, basically, our dams have reached capacity, and had to be spilled. Something I never thought was possible. So many areas are flooding, and thousands of people have had to be evacuated.
Last Wednesday, I woke up to pretty torrential downpour. The radio warned of flooding in the Illawarra region. When this happens, usually it means the trains are unable to run (either due to areas of track being flooded, or signal failure), and so either you're stranded or they might have busses.
I decided not to risk it, and stayed home instead. Which was a good decision, because I desperately had to clean my messy room:

I am actually ashamed to admit those above photos are of my bedroom. Those are all clean clothes, btw. Just too lazy to put them away apparently.
Anywayyyy I spent Wednesday cleaning up and organising:
I love fresh paper!
Bought me some textbooks!
I only spent about $200 this semester, which is a third of what I usually spend.
I'm totally chuffed about it.
So I spent (some of) the money I saved on other books:
I am determined to get D's in everything this semester.
And I'm determined to finish the year actually being able to understand some Mandarin.
Last week was a pretty easy intro back. I'm glad I only had the one class on as it gave me plenty of opportunities to catch up on Coffee and goss:

And today, I arrive home to find this beauty in the mail:
Love your timing, Vogue.