Over the weekend...
J tried to emulate the amazing drink he had in Bali and whipped these up.
They were so fruity and delicious.
Testing the concoction.
Like I said, it's an amazing drink.
Amazing comments in MX's Vent this week.
This one actually made me laugh out loud. Touche'.

This semester, I have classes on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
My Thursday classes begin at 8.30am, which is super early.
If I were to attend these classes from home, I'd have to wake up at about 5am, which is not on considering I have classes all day until 3.30pm.
SO! To combat this issue Cailin has kindly offered up the spare bedroom in her house to me on Wednesday nights!
The above pictures are of her little doggy, Archie. He is adorable, and one of the best study buddies ever.
Angry looking skies on the way to Cailin's this afternoon, after uni.
Contrast this to...
Gorgeous skies in Sydney on Tuesday!
Honestly, I just can not keep up with this weather!
On Saturday, I was lucky enough to attend one of my really good friend, Sian's 21'st birthday.

On my way to Manly.
Loveee this red lipstick.
'Are you red-dy' by Maybelline.
Manly Beach.
The view from the restaurant.
The absolutely gorgeous birthday girl (on the left), with another of our friends (on the right)
I did take some photos of the food, however will share them in another food-related post.
On the weekend, J got some new fishies!
They are absolutely adorable:
This is Phineas. He was the first fish we ever got, almost 2 years ago!