Here's what I've been up to lately...
J bought me home 'Settlers of Catan' after I finished a horrible take home exam last Wednesday. I've wanted this game for the better part of a year, and it was such a nice surprise to come home to this. J bought it because I was anticipating friends coming over on Friday night to celebrate the end of mid-terms. But unfortunately plans changed. We ended up inviting his mate G over for a roast dinner and playing. SO MUCH FUN. I'm now constantly inviting people over to play haha.
Also caught up with one of my friends who used to work with me over Max Brenner. So good seeing her after about a month and catching up over delicious tea and hot chocolates.
I'm reading a new book; I've been on the hunt for this one for about a year and finally saw it in my unishop last week so snagged it up. I'm about 6 chapters in and loving it.
Bus stop Vogue. Funny story; the same morning I was reading this, I stopped into Coles on my way to work to pick up some breakfast. I was paying at the self-help cashier and one of the Coles' employees came up and yelled at me for not paying for the magazine! I was like "uhm I brought this in with me?" She said "NO I saw you bring it up to the register, you have to pay for it!!" I won the fight though with a simple "well...this magazine doesn't have a barcode on it, so it's not from your store" and I walked out. I love when I get the better hand in an argument and walk away graciously winning.
Also bought myself some new boots for winter. Retail really is therapy.
On Thursday was J and my anniversary. We went out to a Turkish restaurant in Newtown. I loved the decor of the place, really authentic and pretty. We chose to sit at the small tables with cushions, which later revealed itself as being a mistake. It was kind of impossible to get our long legs comfortable and poor J had to put up with my squirming for most of dinner. J ordered the meatballs, and I ordered some lamb cutlets. Unfortunately the rice from J's dish took longer than they expected to cook, and my lamb ended up slightly cold and way overcooked, which was a shame. The waiter was really lovely though, and we got some free dip for the extensive wait. J tried 'sour cherry juice', and I had a much-needed glass of wine.
What's your favourite board game? What's your best "winning an argument graciously" story?

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