Sunday, July 7, 2013

My Week in Pictures #32

Man oh man, was June busy!
You will be pleased to know that I am now done with uni for another semester (results come out on Tuesday...wish me luck!) and I am done with moving house.

What is it with cats and boxes?

I find moving to be such a stressful experience, and I could not bring myself to blog or do anything fun really, when my house was chaos. Pretty much all of our boxes are now unpacked, but I'm still settling in and finding a home for everything. We're sorting through all our junk and getting together a big pile of stuff to donate. I am taking this as a good excuse to clean thoroughly! So really, my life in the past few weeks has been pretty dull.

I have been loving the sunny days in Sydney lately!! Snapped this photo of the park across the road from where I work. I'm thinking of making more of an effort to go sit in the park in the sun (or shade...sun safety, yo) during my breaks at work.


Our new house has been insanely cold. Which sucks, because I do not deal well in the cold. But it's also been quite nice because Rommy gets quite snuggly in the cooler weather. Here he is sleeping in the crook of my leg the other morning. 

Our new house does also have a clothesline and a backyard though, which is a total luxury! 

I've also been in party-planning mode, with my 21st coming up in a few short weeks. Parties are hard to plan! We went back and forth on the venue a few times, before deciding to just have it at my dad's house. We are now going back and forth between getting caterers or DIY-ing the food. My mum's handling the decorations, but I'm stressing about the's got a lot of work to be done to it! Hopefully it comes together, but I'm a total noob at this, and am finding it more difficult than it should be, surely! 

Photo courtesy of Studio Verve
I also performed at my pole studio's open night a few weeks ago. I've been waiting for them to upload the video of the performance. So until they do, here's a sneak peek photo :)

What have you been up to lately? I MISS YOU ALL! 
Do you have any party planning tips?

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