I still technically have one essay to finish writing until I am officially on holidays, but I'm mostly done with it so I'm starting to get excited about my impending freedom.
I have really, really missed blogging and am glad to be back!
I have a few posts planned for the next couple of weeks that I'm pretty excited about, but for now, here's some snaps of what I was up to in my absence...which really was not that much now that I look back on it...

I had an exam on early Monday morning, so stayed Sunday night in Wollongong. Brad showed Cailin and I the local vegetarian restaurant, much to our protest. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against vegetarian food, but I kinda draw the line at soy pretending to be meat. That dish on the left? Lemon soy chicken. I probably should have just ordered a salad or something. We finished off the night with with deep fried ice cream. Probably one of my favourite desserts ever.

The weather has been sufficiently gloomy lately, with temps dropping. I've kind of enjoyed studying while it's been raining outside. Makes it a lot less tempting to escape my desk.

Finished off the semester with a take home exam and a normal 3 hour, open book exam. I do feel kinda bad for killing so many trees to make into notes. I think I did well in my exams though. Which could mean either I actually did do well, or I missed something important and will do very badly. You never can really tell with law.

Headed off to the unibar for a couple of beers after our evidence exam was over. Also started reading Orange is the New Black. Absolutely loved the TV show, so thought I'd give the book a read. Am enjoying it so far, although it is pretty different to the show.

Mandatory animal cuddles.

Headed off to my local Target in my lunch break to check out the new NYX stand. How exciting we get NYX in Australia now!? The prices are relatively cheap, but still about 3x more expensive than everywhere else gets it. I picked up a couple of things, can't wait to share it!
We've also been eating the beans from our veggie patch in the garden! So satisfying, eating things you've your boyfriend has grown from scratch! Things taste better from your own garden, definitely.

And have been practicing lots and lots of headstands and forearm stands and handstands. Finally managed to get the pike I've been working on.
Accomplishment. Feels good, yo.

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