I've been away for a while.
We have spent the last three weeks moving house.
We only had a week's notice to pack up everything, book removalists, and all that other stressful stuff that comes with moving. This coupled with a few really busy weeks at work have left me with no free time to even think about blogging, let alone plan and write some posts.
But we're settling in nicely now - almost every box is unpacked, and our new house is finally starting to feel like a home. I'm so looking forward to jumping back in to blogging - I'm almost surprised at how much I've missed it!

I returned to Wollongong a few weekends ago for Cailin's wedding. She was absolutely stunning, and it was such a fun wedding; lots of dancing to T.Swizzle.

Elimination diet is going well. I'm really lucky that my bestie's little brother is a butcher, and was able to make up some special recipe chicken sausages for me. They have been an absolute saviour with the move. It took us a while to unpack the kitchen properly, and having these snags on hand to defrost and quickly fry up with some brussels sprouts saved me a lot of stress.

As I was packing, I cleared out some of my beauty items. Was a bit surprised to find so many mascaras stashed in my drawer. Almost all of them went straight in the bin (way too old to use without the risk of an eye infection). I think I need to branch out from Maybelline mascaras.

Scored a second Billy bookcase on gumtree for $5! One day I want an entire library room.

And rounding this post off with a pole update. This move is the 'Allegra', and it's one of my favourites when done by someone bendy. Now that we're settled, I'm really going to re-focus on stretching every night - although the cold makes doing anything seem impossible.

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