I sent my phone in to get repaired during August. The inner earpiece was broken, so I couldn't hear a damn thing when making phone calls. Which I actually do kinda often, so it was a bit of a nuisance. I was told it would take 5 days, but it's now been longer than 2 weeks. I've been using my friend's old iphone, but it's still got all her things on it, and no real battery life, so I only really use it for using calls and texting. Anyway, this is a long-winded way of saying I have no photos from the past month. Which is why my "week in pictures" posts have disappeared, and why you get the delightful photo above of me in the bathtub for this goals post.
Let's review August's goals.
- Complete the August splits challenge
I got really sick in August (still recovering, almost a week of work sick), and totally lost momentum. I'm starting my own September splits challenge to try and make up for it.
- Train handstands 5x a week
Nope again. Same excuse as above.
I almost didn't think I would cross this one off, despite really focussing on reading this past month. The book I spent most of August reading is like, 700 pages long, so I'm still a few hundred off finishing. But I did buy one book, and finished it in a couple of days - it was that good. (And yeah, I'm one of those people who usually has a few books going at once). I plan to review it properly during September.
Half completed. I gave two garbage bags worth of clothes to the charity bin. Still have not photographed those clothes I want to sell. I think part of the reason I've been delaying on this is because I don't even know what I'll do with them once I take photos of them. Do things still sell on ebay?
- Get back into a regular gym schedule
Nope. Sickness, etc.
- Organise Alex drawers
I did organise my Alex drawers! (mostly).
- Train handstands 5x a week
- Stretch 5x a week
- Buy J's birthday present
- Get Dad a Father's Day gift (this should have been an August goal, really)
- Finish two books
- Organise my filing cabinet
- Organise the basket of stuff in the bathroom
- Find a storage solution for my sock drawer
- Review our New Zealand itinerary, and make sure everything is ready to go!
- Go to the gym once a week
There's quite a few things on that list, but I think I can get it all done. 30 days, that's plenty of time, right?
How's your goal-setting and goal completing going? I love hearing what other people are focussing on for the month!

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