The week began with acrobatics and ended with beautiful sunsets.
After trying my hand at partner-acro, I have a new-found respect for people who are actually good at it - it's seriously difficult.

I kicked off the weekend with a Mexican-themed night with B. We started at El Loco for frozen margaritas and delicious $6 tacos, before kicking on to Tio's in Surry Hills for more margaritas, very expensive tequila shots and delicious $6 Rio Brava.

Sunday kicked off with a brunch date with the beautiful Rai, and exploring Newtown. There is nothing better than catching up with friends over nutritious smoothies and delicious foods.

After bidding farewell to Rai, I met up again with B, for a much-needed coffee and some gelato from the always-fascinating N2.
Sunday night has mostly been spent relaxing preparing for the week ahead; a bit of blogging, planning, a quick clean of the house, colouring in and mindless TV.

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