col·lect (k

v. col·lect·ed, col·lect·ing, col·lects
1. To bring together in a group or mass; gather.
2. To accumulate as a hobby or for study.
I think it's funny how we collect things. On a visit to my friend's house I noticed she had collected a few beautiful masks - the kinds that are worn to masquerades. I'm not sure when my collection started, but I can tell you why I collect what I do.
I'm not sure if you'd call it a hobby, as the definition states is the reason for such meticulous accumulation.
I think it's just a natural part of us - I mean, when you think about it, collections are everywhere. We have whole buildings dedicated to collections! - art gallerys, museums, showrooms etc etc.
I don't want to get all philosophical on this, but I think maybe it comes out of our innate desire to own things - as a reflection of our need for possession.
Anyway, I thought I'd share with you my very own collection ... of cows!
Why cows?

(year 12 jersey)
My nickname has been 'moo' for almost my entire life. Not to sure why, but my parents say it evolved from them calling me 'misky' and then 'misky moo' when I was a baby.
It used to embarass me to no end when I was younger, but I love it now that I'm older and wiser (ha!)

This is my cow coaster! I should have taken a picture of her with a mug so you could see how she works, but I'm sure you can imagine. She has so many various coffee and tea stains on her, but she's served me well!

This is another picture of my cow coaster, but behind her is one of the very first cows I ever collected. I think my mum bought her for me ... but I actually can't remember because it was so long ago. I actually have two of those ones!

This is my cow wind-chime. A friend gave it to me for my 14th birthday! The same friend also gave me the cow plushie that's in the picture next to it. A long time ago you would be able to push her tummy and she'd 'moooo'. Not anymore though :(

Again, I think my mum bought me this one...I think she just saw it at the shops one day and brought it home for me. How sweet!

This is my cow egg-cup!

This cow was bought in Berry, from a cute little hobby shop. If you press a button underneath it, you can make her dance.

This is my second cow figuring I mentioned earlier, my cow money-box and a glass that one of my friends bought me for my 16th birthday!

These cute little figurines were bought by my sister!

My cow quilt cover and pillow set.
My mum bought this for me when I broke up with my first boyfriend.
When I moved out, the bed that I bought was a double bed, which is quite a bit bigger than the single I had at my parent's house. I was devestated that I would have to buy new manchester, but I still keep my old quilt on the end of my bed for display.

That's right, I even have cow print pyjamas. Unfortunately, I left the pants at a friend's place so I couldn't photograph them, but they are basically cow print. This is the matching top.

Coffee table book. I bought it simply because it was there in a book shop.
It's hilarious.
I think it's funny how we collect things. On a visit to my friend's house I noticed she had collected a few beautiful masks - the kinds that are worn to masquerades. I'm not sure when my collection started, but I can tell you why I collect what I do.
I'm not sure if you'd call it a hobby, as the definition states is the reason for such meticulous accumulation.
I think it's just a natural part of us - I mean, when you think about it, collections are everywhere. We have whole buildings dedicated to collections! - art gallerys, museums, showrooms etc etc.
I don't want to get all philosophical on this, but I think maybe it comes out of our innate desire to own things - as a reflection of our need for possession.
Anyway, I thought I'd share with you my very own collection ... of cows!
Why cows?
(year 12 jersey)
My nickname has been 'moo' for almost my entire life. Not to sure why, but my parents say it evolved from them calling me 'misky' and then 'misky moo' when I was a baby.
It used to embarass me to no end when I was younger, but I love it now that I'm older and wiser (ha!)
This is my cow coaster! I should have taken a picture of her with a mug so you could see how she works, but I'm sure you can imagine. She has so many various coffee and tea stains on her, but she's served me well!
This is another picture of my cow coaster, but behind her is one of the very first cows I ever collected. I think my mum bought her for me ... but I actually can't remember because it was so long ago. I actually have two of those ones!
This is my cow wind-chime. A friend gave it to me for my 14th birthday! The same friend also gave me the cow plushie that's in the picture next to it. A long time ago you would be able to push her tummy and she'd 'moooo'. Not anymore though :(
Again, I think my mum bought me this one...I think she just saw it at the shops one day and brought it home for me. How sweet!
This is my cow egg-cup!
This cow was bought in Berry, from a cute little hobby shop. If you press a button underneath it, you can make her dance.
This is my second cow figuring I mentioned earlier, my cow money-box and a glass that one of my friends bought me for my 16th birthday!
These cute little figurines were bought by my sister!
My cow quilt cover and pillow set.
My mum bought this for me when I broke up with my first boyfriend.
When I moved out, the bed that I bought was a double bed, which is quite a bit bigger than the single I had at my parent's house. I was devestated that I would have to buy new manchester, but I still keep my old quilt on the end of my bed for display.
That's right, I even have cow print pyjamas. Unfortunately, I left the pants at a friend's place so I couldn't photograph them, but they are basically cow print. This is the matching top.
Coffee table book. I bought it simply because it was there in a book shop.
It's hilarious.