Minami Sanriku has been absolutely destroyed:

Photos taken from here.
I can't even comprehend the amount of destruction that this country has to face.
The number of people missing, presumed dead just breaks my heart.
There's a few Japanese girls in my Mandarin class. Another girl in the class asked her if she had heard from her family and they were okay, and she just looked so sad. I hope that they're all okay, I really do.
Death is hard enough to cope with but when it's on such a large scale, and for no apparent reason I think that makes it so much more difficult.
Merowyn's blog at Blithely Unaware yesterday commented on the complete lack of sensitivity that one of the screenwriter's for Family Guy harbours. the complete lack of sensitivity harboured by one of the screenwriters for Family Guy. How anyone could even allude to the fact that Japan deserves any of this is way beyond my comprehension. Especially when it's a totally different generation and innocent people are not only suffering, but have died. I was listening to This American Life (a podcast - download it free from iTunes) on the train on the way to uni yesterday. The story they shared was of Iraq soldiers coming home - whether for only just over 2 weeks, or permanently. I won't lie - I did shed a little tear. War had completely changed them. These were 19 year old boys being exposed to such horrific acts of violence. No amount of COD could ever prepare anyone for what they've witnessed. 19! That's so goddamn young. And of course, in earlier years, the boys were just 16, 17. My own Pop served in Malaysia underage - doing a duty to his country.
I'm not too sure what the point I'm trying to make is - I haven't been in the greatest frame of mind as of late, so I'm not entirely sure if anything I'm writing has any form of cohesion.
I hate war.
However, regardless of what Japan - or any other country, for that matter - done during WW2, these are not the same people suffering now.
They say that disasters bring out the best and the worst in people.
I'm just so baffled that anyone could twist this into a "they deserve it" story.
Even in this news story the message comes across as "well they deserved it because they were greedy".
I'm outraged, to be honest. What poor journalism.
What a sad world we live in.