Sunday, October 9, 2011

Past Happenings!

So..I apologise for my lengthy absence. 
I don't even have a decent excuse, such as being busy with uni. 
I've just spent the last week and a bit relaxing and giving my head a well-deserved break from studying.

Here are some snapshots of what I've been up to. 
They're less than satisfactory considering how long I've been absent, but I also haven't been up to very much. Lots of reading, and lots of playstation-ing. 

I cooked a delicious fig, chicken and prosciutto salad:

Ingredients all laid out.

Mixture for the figs. 
Figs aren't in season, so I used dried ones and let them simmer in this mixture for longer than the recipe said. It was well worth the wait, it came out amazingly:

I paid Izzie another visit! She's getting so big and cutey!!
She's very friendly and loves a good pat!

I strayed from my usual red nailpolish and got this bright blue from Sportsgirl. 
I really am enjoying it, and it's nice for a change.

And I bought a new desk!!
This is great - extra shelves, and really wide so I can use my lappy and my textbooks. 

Trust though, I have already cluttered it all up. 
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