Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunny Weekend!

Yesterday J and I headed down to the Marrickville festival!! 
Heaps of Marrickville Rd was closed off, and the place was overtaken by stalls, rides, food stalls and even a few stages!

We listened to some science-y guys talking about the possibility of aliens visiting earth and living amongst us. 
This was heaps interesting, and J was so cute - literally sitting on the edge of his seat, being the science nerd  that he is haha.

There were some cool bands, some aimed at kids and some aimed at adults. 

And we won a $10 voucher from Ikea for our Ikea knowledge, yay! J was the finalist in the mini competition to win $100 cash. It was unfortunate we lost, but it was nice of the Ikea people to give us a spin of the wheel.

J bought some plants for his balcony

And he bought me this cool shirt. 
A topic I'm passionate about at the moment.

And I bought this summer hat for $5!!
Necessary considering how hot it has been the past few days!

And I came home and ate a delicious mango! 

After a really cold start to Spring, it has definitely heated up, and already feels like summer!
This is bad because my brain automatically switches to holiday mood, which is detrimental considering I have uni exams in less than two weeks!
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