Does anyone else's drawers looks like this?
It was driving me absolutely CRAZY having to constantly re-fold EVERYTHING every time I put washing away, so today I thought "enough is enough" and set out to re-organise it.
Drawing inspiration from the way I file away notes and other important docs, I cleaned everything out and started again.
This is the finished product:

Not only is it a million times easier and a million times nicer looking, it fits double the amount of clothes that piling them on top of each other does.
This is how I folded it all, so you can do the same to your drawers!
(from left to right)
1. Lay your shirt / cardi / whatever out on a nice flat surface.
I used my bed.
2. Fold the arms in to the centre.
3. Fold the left side into the centre
4. Fold the right side into the centre
5. Fold the bottom side up
6. Fold the top half under
(if bulky. If not bulky, e.g. a t-shirt you can also fold on top)
I can't believe I hadn't thought of it earlier!!
It also works for shorts and jumpsuits and things:
However, because there's so much more fabric to pants they're a little more difficult.
So I just piled them like I used to.
I still save so much more room this way, and shorts are super easy to access without messing up my pants!