When I was about 7 or 8, my parents bought me a "nail salon" for Christmas. It was essentially a stick on nail kit, but it had adhesive tape instead of glue, and a little stamper set and it was all contained on this one contraption that spun. Anyway, I loved it. But the nails didn't stick on that well. So, when I saw this product in my Priceline goody bag, I wasn't too keen on the idea. But I thought "hey I got this for free, let's try it out!" I don't take much convincing.

It comes with a pamphlet which is pretty much useless. The instructions contain obvious photos to demonstrate how to apply the nails, but I wanted more precise instructions. How much glue am I supposed to use? How long do I press for? Disappointment number one. But, I'm never one to give up and I took this as a challenge! I leaned I wasn't applying enough glue, and you don't have to press for too long because the glue dries realllly quickly.

Each nail has a number on the tab. So once you work out that your thumb is a '3' for example, you can assume your other thumb will be a '3' too, and your pinky is probably like a '9'. Anyway, after sizing up all the nails, I stuck them all on and ripped off the little tabs. You then have to file the edges because the plastic doesn't always snap off nice and cleanly, as you can see on my pinky in the photo below.

The packaging says these will last 7 days, and they are "chip free"! and I can attest to that. These did not chip on me at all. They did not however, last 7 days. They lasted two days before random nails started falling off in public. I waited it out til about 4 days, but I kept losing nails, and it was frustrating coming home to glue them all back on again so I just took them all off.

The glue absolutely destroyed my nails. I'm pretty lucky with my nails, normally they grow fast, they grow quite strong and even though some of them peel and crack I can still grow them to a nice length. Since wearing these, my nails have cracked and peeled and broken and now I have tiny short nails that attract dirt like nobody's business. That being said, I've never worn acrylic nails either, so can't compare on the damage rate.
Which really is a shame because after I got used to the plastic talons, I quite love the look of them. I even got compliments on them! I think these would be great if you wanted nice nails for a night out or an event, but I can't see them lasting much longer in day-to-day wear.
Did you have stick on nails as a kid? Are you a fan of the french mani?

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