I've pretty much just had one of the worst weeks ever in terms of assessments due, commitments and all the rest of it. I've now got two weeks left of semester and then's all happening so fast it's insane. Anyway, I did take an unplanned hiatus and I'm sorry. I actually had every intention of blogging every day in May, and even have my little blogging calendar up with all my posts for the month planned. But sometimes life happens and you need to adjust. There's a life lesson there, I'm sure.
This is what I've been up to the past week:
Surrounded by ducks at uni whilst I eat / study on the grass.
This photo was taken in the midst of a pretty serious essay-thon. I got to the point where I had to reward myself for every 500 words reached. 500 words? Cup of tea! 1000 words? Load of washing! When you're swamped with uni work, even house chores become a rewarding break.
Got my DIY on and made my mum her mother's day card =D I may or may not have also made one for J's mum...crafting is fun.
I wanted to buy some flowers to liven up our place a little now that winter's coming, but when I headed to the florist I got persuaded to buy this beautiful anthurium! Unfortunately Rommy keeps trying to eat it, so it has to live up on the top of the bookshelf at night and can only be brought down when it's supervised, but that's okay.
I also had a little photography date yesterday with Oishee from Rioter's Bloc. We swapped lens and snapped away for most of the afternoon; here's some of the better results from our afternoon together;
I think those last two are my favourite. Who were all those people who engraved their names on that tree? Did they stay in those relationships?
And where are those two people in the bottom going? What did they get up to on that day?
The questions are endless and I've spent quite a while sitting here pondering the answers.
What did you get up to this week?

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