Okay look, I don't need new shorts, but now that the weather is getting so warm and nice, I am noticing all the shorts and skirts in the shop windows and I. want. them. all.
I have spent hours browsing online (without purchasing, might I add...willpower or what?), and hours playing on polyvore (surely those assessments will finish themselves?) and decided that the above styles are the ones I would like to purchase over the next few weeks / months.
I want a nice skirt with cute cut out detailing, to make it just that bit more interesting.
I want some nice floral shorts. The annoying thing is, I know almost exactly what I want the print to look like and am yet to find it anywhere.. the second image above is the closest to what I want.
I want a brightly coloured blue pair!
I want high-waisted, distressed denim.
I want stripey shorts. I love my stripey pants from Motel, and want these ones from ASOS.
Have you been lusting over S/S fashion, or is that just me?

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