Have had a mountain of uni work and assignments keeping me from doing the things I love...like blogging. So this week I will be catching you all up on my past two weeks!

I worked at the election last Saturday, and was super happy to show off my pale-skinned legs. Hooray Spring is here!

I bought some flowers to brighten up my desk space.

I was thrilled to see we are stocking '500 Words of Wisdom' at work, and snatched up a copy straight away. I also enjoyed some tea with my cute new strainer.
In fitness news...

I finally kicked up the nerves to lay back in the Remi Sit. This move is not hard, but extremely owwie. I also ventured out of the house for a run ... my first run since I took a break from refereeing in March. My cardio has a lot of work to go.

I played around with some balancing on the grass afterwards. Words can't even explain my excitement at getting a free balancing headstand.

On Thursday night, I got some drinks and dinner with my bestie. She took me to Tio's..an awesome mexican tequila bar in Surry Hills. We got salted beers and lots of free popcorn.
On Friday night I went out to Darling Harbour and saw the Blue Man Group at the Lyric Theatre. Amazing, amazing show. So glad I got to see it!
Saturday was J's birthday, so we headed in to Newtown for Japanese at Iiza. We'e been to this restaurant a few times, and everytime it is amazing. I didn't snap photos of all the meals, because I was starving, but below is a shot of the teriyaki duck and our desserts - creme brulee and a molten chocolate cake. Decadent!

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