What was your favourite thing about the 1990's?
I was born in 1992, so growing up in this decade I was young enough to remember my childhood with nostalgia, but not old enough to cringe about the fashions (scrunchies..amirite?). I was still young enough to dress in clothes lovingly handmade by my Nan, but know every single word to the entire Aqua 'Aquarium' CD, and the Spice Girls album...as well as owning almost every piece of paraphernalia related to the Spice Girls (thanks mum!)
I watched Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Daria, Rugrats, Recess, Hey Arnold, (as well as a bunch of other awesome cartoons... television was just better in the 90's) when I got home from school.
I played with tazos, tamagotchis, and I don't care how creepy you think they are...but I freaking loved my Furby.

I have been lusting over a pair of Black Milk printed leggings for ... god knows how long. They are trendy, look good, fit well and the prints and patterns are unlike anything else on the market. Which is why I'm really excited that Women's Health of Australia (WHoA!) are working with Blackmilk and giving us Aussie women a chance to win an exclusive pair of 90s themed tights. Not only do you have the chance to win 1 of 2000 leggings that they're giving away, but you also get a say in what print will be on those leggings! (I would totally wear a pair of WHoA leggings with Sailor Moon on them....or mixed tapes! That would be cute!)
All you have to do to have your chance to win (and to have your say on what the limited edition 90s iconography that will feature on the leggings should be) is fill out a survey for Women's Health of Australia (just head on over here)

The survey, which has run annually since 1996, is used to improve women's health policies and practices in Australia. All information is confidential, and the survey takes less than 20 minutes to complete, with the ability to pause and resume your answers. Every year, the survey is divided into cohorts, and last year was the first time women in the 1989-1994 (year of birth) cohort have been able to take part in the survey. WHoA state that "every generation faces new and different health risks. We don't know exactly what health risks a new generation of young women will face...by completing annual online surveys, Young Australian women can help us uncover their health and wellbeing priorities and also improve health services for women of all ages and for generations to come"
So if you're an Aussie lady born outside of the 1989-1994 cohort, check out the WHoA website here, as there are other surveys you can fill out. Unfortunately you won't be able to take part in the Black Milk campaign, but you will still be able to help shape the future of women's health in Australia!
So that's it.
Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
If you're aged between 18-23, help shape the future of Australian women's health, fill out the survey, have the chance to win some awesome, limited edition, will-be-collector's-items leggings. What could be better than that?

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