The week before last, I finished off all my exams! I showed Dad how to catch a train in Sydney (I've never seen him on one in my lifetime) and he consequently rewarded me with pancakes!

Of course I couldn't help myself and had to go with the chocolatey-ist one on the menu. So to work it off, we took a walk around circular quay, and up to the opera house. I of course, took that moment to get a scenic tourist-y street pole shot.

Post gym workout meals hahahaha. Sometimes I'm healthy and balanced...sometimes I need pizza.

Now that I'm on holidays, I've been enjoying snuggles on the couch with this pussy-cat and reading to my heart's content. I just finished Gone Girl, and cannot wait for the movie in October...although I hear that they've deviated from the book, so we'll have to see about that.

I spent all of last week in Canberra, undertaking the intensive part of my PLT course. It was kind of ridiculous, kind of a waste of my time. But it's one part of my GDLP out of the way, and now I can move on to the online course! I stayed with J's parents, who are more than accommodating. It was kind of fun spending a week with J's family without him there, hahaha. One of the bars in Civic hold exhibitions for up-and-coming artists, and J's cousin was chosen to feature, which was awesome! So on the opening night, I headed out with J's brother and his fiance' to check it out. Wish I'd thought to take some photos.

Midnight kitty cat shenanigans.

On the Friday afternoon, I caught up with my friend, A who moved to Canberra early this year. We went to Gus's cafe, which is this adorable 'outside cafe' right in the middle of Civic. I originally opted for the peppermint hot chocolate, but they'd run out, so I ended up with the significantly more indulgent peanut butter. The owners of this place are lovely, and I love that you're kind of sitting outside, but it's still warm.

I have started The Cuckoo's Calling, by J.K Rowling, written under the pen-name Robert Galbraith. I'm enjoying it so far, and loved reading it sitting in the sun in Canberra.
What have you been reading recently?

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