Can you believe we're already a whole week into 2015!?
I lost a bit of blogging mojo over the past month. I'm totally blaming it on breaking my arm... typing and editing with one hand is exhausting, and takes twice as long - which left me super frustrated. I also can't handwrite anything, so not being able to properly plan anything has left me very demotivated.

Christmas was spent around at my dad's, and this year J joined us. We didn't have a super fancy table setting, but plenty of good food. It's tradition for the partners at work to gift all the employees a ham for Christmas - so this year J and I (mostly J...okay, all J) had a go at glazing and cooking it. It turned out pretty well, and we have been adding ham to almost every meal since. Good food, good champagne, good company and good presents is pretty much the perfect Christmas in my eyes.

New Years was also quite a low-key affair. After dealing with the crowds at work for Boxing Day, the last thing I wanted to do was endure more crowds in the City. My brother acquired some fireworks, so we tried our hand at pyrotechnics. A lot of them didn't fully go off, and there was one that fell over and shot sparks everywhere (first photo). It was a lot of fun though, and quite safe as long as you use common sense.
We ended 2014 playing Monopoly and watching the city fireworks on TV.
To get to the train station from my dad's house, there's a fair bit of a bush-walk to go through. We ran into a really thick spider-web, which had a giant-ass spider sitting on it (no literally...this spider had a massive butt), which was terrifying ut is funny looking back on.

I went to the beach for the first time in forever with my bestie so had to tackle swimwear shopping. Ended up choosing the combo on the left. Hooray for no-match, and thanks to everyone who gave their advice on Instagram!
How was your NYE and Christmas? Leave links to your posts below!

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