I've always loved the idea of New Years Resolutions, but have never really set them before; if I have, they've always been quite vague like "do better at uni this year". Last month, I decided that I would set monthly goals to achieve - things that I could actually work towards and keep focussed on for a month at a time. So my December goals were in action for a week, and then I broke my wrist. Not trying to make excuses, but when you only have one arm (and your non-dominant one for that matter) it's kind of difficult to do a lot of things. I'm getting a lot of movement back in my arm now, and my cast comes off next week so I'm resetting those December Goals for January. I also have some overall yearly goals I would like to achieve. Each month this year, I'll share with you what my goals are and how I've gone with achieving the goals from the month before.
2015 GOALS
- Read 30 books.
This was my goal for 2014, and I failed pretty miserably, only finishing 10 books. I have no textbooks to read this year, so I should have more time to read fun things.
- Get my splits
A goal I've had for over three years now, so this is getting ridiculous. I'm signed up to advanced stretch classes, and have now got a stretching routine in place so 2015 is the year I will get flat on the floor.
- Continue learning
I graduated uni last year, and as glad as I am that that's over, I still love learning, and want to continue learning. I think the hard thing with learning as an adult is you have to be really self-motivated, so I'm not going to let laziness get in the way.
- Get a job
Probably the biggest, and most important for me at the moment - I get admitted as a solicitor to the NSW Supreme Court next month, so I need to get that first "career" job.
- Cook one meal each week.
- Clean out my wardrobe
- Stretch 5 days a week
- Sort out our New Zealand itinerary
- Catch up on the journalling missed because of my broken arm
- Sort out all paperwork to be sent off to the Supreme Court for my admission!

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