The week began with a very early morning appointment to the fracture clinic to have my cast removed! My bone was not fully healed, and my wrist was still a bit painful, so I was given a splint to wear. The long journey to recovery begins!
We had a slight incident of mistrust at our household this past week. J brought in his backyard harvest - beans, sugar snap peas, tomatoes and some mini capsicums. Or so he told me. I was a bit dubious of this "mini capsicum" when J sliced it open and it was filled with little seeds; he tried a little bit and reassured me that it was kind of sweet, and it probably was just a small capsicum. All I can say, is I am thankful for my skeptical personality because I only touched the tip of my tongue to the inside fleshy bit of this "mini capsicum" and it burned like the fires of hell for a good half hour. I can not imagine how much it would have burned if I had eaten the whole thing! J was honestly shocked at my reaction - he tried again and felt the same heat as me.

J and I spent last week in Canberra, visiting his family. We celebrated two birthdays whilst there, so many desserts were had.

We went to Shaw Vineyard Estate for lunch - they had their own sheep and llamas. Watching the llamas jump up onto their hind legs to pull leaves off the tree was cause for endless entertainment.

We started out with wine tasting, before sitting down to lunch. The food was really good - for entrees we shared an oven-baked camembert, and a dukkah mix. For mains I had the salmon. I don't eat seafood that often because I'm really fussy with it - but this was really delicious. I don't really feel like I'm that cut-out to eat fancy food though. Whilst the salmon and the polenta (and okay everything else) were amazing, I just can't help but be annoyed at the lack of "Extras" on the plate...one and a half heirloom tomatoes, two sprigs of asparagus...really?

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