Found some Lego men hiding out at Sutherland train station...

J and I made a quick trip into Canberra over the weekend to visit his mum for her birthday! Her sisters were flown in from around the country as a surprise, and it was lovely getting to meet them all. After all this time, I still have met very few of J's extended family.

On Sunday we went to the Canberra Arboretum for lunch.
I am still on the RPAH elimination diet, so could only order steak and chips. The steak was overcooked, but the chips were pretty good.
Bonsai trees will never cease to amaze me. They're so cool - I loved getting to see so many different types of Bonsai trees.

Apart from too-brief interstate trips it's been pretty quiet over here.
Work has been hectic, and I am glad to see that it is slowing down and I can get back into a routine. That being said, it's so hard to be motivated to do anything after work when it's this cold.

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