As you can see in the above photo, I'm in for a fun few months. All up they cost me just over $600.
Good thing that now that I'll be needing to spend lots of time reading I won't have any money for going out anywhere fun. -_-
Although I don't believe in Valentines Day, J is still really cute, and bought me this pack of Maltesers, because they are my favourite chocolate and they came in this cute packet that's like a gift box.
He gave them to me yesterday (because of all the drama going on at my place and working and etc haven't had a chance to just hang out). Which was really cool becasue it coincided with our 22 month anniversary.
Isn't he a cutiehead!?
Also, my favourite song at the moment is Spanish Sahara by the Foals.
When I saw them live, this song came on, and everyone danced and sung along, and the people on drugs looked like they were in love with the world, and it was all incredibly romantic.
Check it out.