I am meticulous with my notes!!
I completed my first law exam of the semester- Property and Trusts - on Tuesday. It was such a killer, 3 hours and the examiners shoved as much content into each problem question as they could. It was probably the most stressful exam I've ever sat, and probably one that I was the most prepared for
I think I did okay, but it's so hard to tell with law exams sometimes!
I had my politics exam last night, which frankly was quite nice.
It's a lovely feeling, coming out of an exam not wanting to off yourself drop out of uni.
The exam finished at 8.45pm - even though I left an hour into it because I'd finished early - so I stayed at my friend Cailin's place to avoid long, lonely, late train rides home.
We got thai food from Shell Harbour on the way home -
We shared a plate of chicken satay skewers - DELISH!
And we both got the pad thai!
Yummiest ever, so great.

And then we got back to her place and I played with her kitty, Ebby, and her doggy
So cute, I want an animal :(
One more exam left. Three more days of studying, and then holidays!