This week I have ...

...chased duckies around my Uni campus..
They are so cute!!!!!
Spring is my favourite time of year, because they all have babies and we all get to see the cute ducklings!!
The mother ducks are so cute when they get all protective!

...drunk way too many energy drinks...
I had three assignments due this week, and a massive property law one due next week.

...dosed up on vitamin C...
Tangelos are such a strange fruit. I love citrus.
...Cooked my first pumpkin...
Delicious salad.
... stumbled across a pony just chillin' in my street...

...tried to embrace warmer weather with shorts and a t-shirt...
It was actually incredibly warm this day, so my jacket didn't get much wear - which is exciting!
Also - sorry for the classy bathroom shot.
....And got up to a bit of excitement:

The fire alarm went of at work yesterday!
I'm not 100% sure of the details - but they're re-furbing the 6th floor, and one of the air-con guys swung a pole around and knocked something, and thought gas was escaping, and the sprinklers turned on and it was just all happening. The entire floor was flooded - you might be able to see in the above left picture all the water spilling out onto the street.
6 fire-trucks pulled up and some cops. Very impressed with their response time.
Thankfully, nobody was hurt and we were all able to resume working not too long after.
I've never had a proper fire alarm go off before, so we were all a bit excited by it.
And, that afternoon I got to check out the David Jones Flower Window Displays, while waiting for my bus!
I think this one is my favourite - although they were all exceptional: